Monday, December 16, 2013

60- and 40-Watt Bulbs Banned for 2014!

When I read this article, it seriously underscored the reality that the laws in this country serve only the interests of corporations.

Since when does it befit the U.S. Government to mandate that everyone comply with the efficiency standards outlined in the Energy Independence and Security Act?

Perhaps not many people realize that unless you stock up big time on 40 and 60 watt standard incandescent light bulbs to illuminate your home, the only choice out there are the much touted and highly dangerous Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs).

You may ask why are these bulbs dangerous? Well first of all, if cracked or if accidentally dropped and broken, because these bulbs contain mercury, you're asking for The Grim Reaper to pay you an untimely visit. Don't believe me? Read the box the next time you're forced to buy one.

Yep, that's right, MERCURY. Since when is Mercury supposed to be good for the environment? Last time I checked, this substance was banned in many countries.

And according to David Icke's book, 'Remember Who You Are', if any CFL cracks, not only do you run the deadly risk of inhaling the poisonous vapors but more than likely will need the help of a HAZMAT team to properly dispose of and clean up the affected area.

Yet, these bulbs are amply stocked in stores like Home Depot for consumers to purchase without fully realizing the dangers associated with them.

And just in case there's a lingering doubt that these bulbs are dangerous, consider the associated side effects from victims:

:: Mild to severe headaches

:: Skin irritations

:: Redness

:: Burning Sensations and/or itchiness

:: Dizziness and Nausea

:: Ringing in the ears and Earaches

:: Numbness and Tingling Sensations

:: Feeling Tired, Weak and Fatigued

:: Difficulty Sleeping and Restlessness

:: Chest Pains

:: Poor Memory and Concentration

:: Irritability

:: Feelings of Stress and Anxiety

:: Depression and Mood Swings

:: Difficulty Breathing

:: Muscle and Joint Pains

:: Pain and Pressure in the Eyes

Gee....these symptoms sound like someone taking prescription medication, right?

As 2014 rolls in, I won't be surprised if another law is introduced to mandate vaccinations for everyone.

Perhaps now more than ever, Americans should finally start to pay attention to the writing on the wall before it's too late!

1 comment:


    Home of the free indeed. You can't consume what you want, have high power shower heads, and or have safe light bulbs.
