Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Featured Interview: Barbara Lamb Discusses Cases of Close Encounters with Alien Intelligence

Program Summary

Author, Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist and Regression Therapist, Barbara Lamb is my special guest as she discusses Cases of Close Encounters with Alien Intelligence.

In this hour, Barbara shares the wealth of information she was able to gather as a therapist on cases dealing with extraterrestrial encounters. Among the topics discussed are how a certain alien species need a unique component in our blood in order to survive, how an 'abduction' is in effect a forgotten contract that had been forged in the Spirit World, how many types of beings come to this planet with differing agendas and much more!

Profile Summary

Barbara Lamb is a licensed Psychotherapist, a certified Hypnotherapist and a Regression Therapist in private practice in Claremont, California.

Having regressed subjects since 1991 who have had encounters with extraterrestrials and interdimensional beings, she has also presented lectures and workshops throughout the United States, Canada, England and Belgium which have captivated audiences. She is also an acclaimed researcher into the Crop Circle phenomenon.

Having also co-authored two books (Crop Circles Revealed: Language of The Light Symbols and Alien Experiences - 25 Cases of Close Encounters Never Before Revealed), Barbara has also been interviewed on various talk shows. She also is listed in Women in Ufology (, a web site dedicated to promoting the awareness of accomplished women in the UFO Community. For more information on Barbara Lamb and her research, visit her web site at:

Monday, December 16, 2013

60- and 40-Watt Bulbs Banned for 2014!

When I read this article, it seriously underscored the reality that the laws in this country serve only the interests of corporations.

Since when does it befit the U.S. Government to mandate that everyone comply with the efficiency standards outlined in the Energy Independence and Security Act?

Perhaps not many people realize that unless you stock up big time on 40 and 60 watt standard incandescent light bulbs to illuminate your home, the only choice out there are the much touted and highly dangerous Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs).

You may ask why are these bulbs dangerous? Well first of all, if cracked or if accidentally dropped and broken, because these bulbs contain mercury, you're asking for The Grim Reaper to pay you an untimely visit. Don't believe me? Read the box the next time you're forced to buy one.

Yep, that's right, MERCURY. Since when is Mercury supposed to be good for the environment? Last time I checked, this substance was banned in many countries.

And according to David Icke's book, 'Remember Who You Are', if any CFL cracks, not only do you run the deadly risk of inhaling the poisonous vapors but more than likely will need the help of a HAZMAT team to properly dispose of and clean up the affected area.

Yet, these bulbs are amply stocked in stores like Home Depot for consumers to purchase without fully realizing the dangers associated with them.

And just in case there's a lingering doubt that these bulbs are dangerous, consider the associated side effects from victims:

:: Mild to severe headaches

:: Skin irritations

:: Redness

:: Burning Sensations and/or itchiness

:: Dizziness and Nausea

:: Ringing in the ears and Earaches

:: Numbness and Tingling Sensations

:: Feeling Tired, Weak and Fatigued

:: Difficulty Sleeping and Restlessness

:: Chest Pains

:: Poor Memory and Concentration

:: Irritability

:: Feelings of Stress and Anxiety

:: Depression and Mood Swings

:: Difficulty Breathing

:: Muscle and Joint Pains

:: Pain and Pressure in the Eyes

Gee....these symptoms sound like someone taking prescription medication, right?

As 2014 rolls in, I won't be surprised if another law is introduced to mandate vaccinations for everyone.

Perhaps now more than ever, Americans should finally start to pay attention to the writing on the wall before it's too late!

Featured Interview: Mark Anthony Discusses Never Letting Go

Program Summary

Attorney, Author and Medium, Mark Anthony is my special guest as he discusses his book, Never Letting Go. Mark shares his experiences being a medium and helps demystify the illusion that death ends life when in fact, it is a rebirth into the Spirit World.

Among the topics discussed in this first hour include: evidential mediumship (providing evidence when contacting spirits), how spiritual entities give us clues to indicate that they're around us, the importance of people to recognize their grief and letting go of the sorrow, the meaning of an "old soul", the understanding of 'Purgatory', the meaning of reincarnation and much more!

Profile Summary

Mark Anthony is not only a practicing attorney based in Florida but he also happens to be a medium.

Having been born into a family that spans at least a century with the ability to communicate with the departed, Mark has helped many people to not only seek closure at the passing of a loved one but has also helped shatter the misconception that death ends life when in reality, it is a rebirth into a realm called the Spirit World.

In his book called Never Letting Go, Mark points out to the importance of the grieving process and how as "The Great Equalizer", we are all connected by the loss of someone. Though Mark's book is titled Never Letting Go, the central point of his book is to let go of the sorrow but never let go of the love for the person who has died.

Mark has been featured worldwide on radio and television as well as on internet radio talk shows. He also has appeared as a guest commentator on NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX and even on Coast to Coast.

For more information on Mark Anthony, his mission, contacting him or scheduling a reading, visit his web site at:

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Amazing Benefits of The Avocado!

Juice Your Way To Good Health!

More Dead Bees....

Each morning as I sweep my backyard, among the debris of fallen leaves and flowers, I also discover dead honeybees.

I've seen this before but it's been usually three or four dead bees that I discover dead on the ground or disoriented as I see them crawling but end up going nowhere.

This morning however, I decided to gather the dead bees that I discovered while cleaning the yard.

To my amazement, I counted 10 dead honeybees!

Question to ask is:

:: Did these honeybees die from the cold weather? - It's been very cold these past couple of days in Southern   California.

:: Did these bees die after pollinating the fruit trees in my backyard? If so, why? These trees are not sprayed with insecticide.

:: Did WIFI have a role in killing off these bees?

:: Was it due to the cell phone towers in proximity to where I live?

:: Could it have been the residual contaminants from the Chemtrails that are sprayed repeatedly in the skies?

Whatever the cause, it's been stated that if the honeybee dies, humanity would have but a few years to live.

Can you imagine a world without the honeybee?

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Grow Your Own Food and Save Money!

Order Your Big Berkey Water Filters!

War On Health The FDA's Cult of Tyranny

Featured Interview: Colin Andrews - Being On The Edge of Reality

Program Summary

Author, Investigator, Lecturer and Researcher, Colin Andrews is my special guest as he discusses Being On The Edge of Reality. Being an electrical engineer and a 30-year veteran investigator and researcher into unusual phenomenon, Colin discusses his perspective on consciousness, spirituality and what we consider non-ordinary reality. In this first hour, Colin touches upon the paradigm shift that is expected, his 'alien encounter' at a very young age, the complexity of Crop Circles and the association with our evolving consciousness as well as the anomalies people have witnessed when interacting with these Crop Circles and much more!

Profile Summary

An electrical engineer as well as having attained 30 years as an investigator into unusual phenomenon, Colin Andrews has fascinated many audiences and readers alike with his out of the ordinary experiences. Having coined the term 'Crop Circles' in the 1980s, he has since gathered extensive data into many other areas that is considered enigmatic such as the UFO phenomenon for which he has been given numerous awards.

For the past 20 years, Colin has dedicated his investigative enthusiasm into exploring the fields of consciousness, spirituality and non-ordinary reality with his wife, co-author and naturopathic physician, Synthia Andrews. He is the author of three books and co-author of six books and is an avid contributor to his web site which is called:

Colin can also be seen and heard as he continues to engage in countless television and radio programs, participate in documentaries as well as conduct presentations throughout the world.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Cheers for Hawaii as its Mayor William P. Kenoi signs Bill 113 to ban GMOs.

What will this do to other legislators across the nation who are watching this?

Well for starters, it should spark some lively debates, most of which should be in favor of having the American Consumer in charge of the type of foods they purchase and consume.

It's all a matter of having a government of the People, by the People and for the People and in my opinion, it's likely that Hawaii's decision will snowball into a momentum that will enable more states to follow suit.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

To all readers...

I've decided to suspend emailing my newsletter and instead use this blog as an outlet for anyone wanting any updates on my site, on featured interviews or any news story worth sharing.
Shocking But True!

Recently, the California State Assembly voted to reject NDAA - AB351 which would have in effect, if California had agreed with the US Government, to indefinitely detain its citizens!

That's right! Indefinite detention solely based on perhaps suspicion or false rumors.

Known as the California Liberty Preservation Act that was signed by Governor Jerry Brown, this newly signed law refuses compliance with federal attempts to enforce "indefinite detention" as outlined by the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012.

Has the nation come so far to enact such a law? Is history repeating itself? For anyone who can recall, we've seen the detention of Japanese-Americans during World War II when the public was told that it was for their own good despite Pearl Harbor.