Thursday, April 3, 2014

Heavy Earthquake Activity...Is The Writing On The Wall?

If anyone has paid any attention to the news and I'm not referring to the news that spew out the nonsense of what celebrity X did to celebrity Y, you would have noticed that the Ring of Fire has been super active lately.

Case in point, an earthquake measuring 5.1 struck Los Angeles on Friday, 03/28/14.

So what's the big deal? Los Angeles has earthquakes almost every month.

Well living in Los Angeles and having experienced the Northridge Earthquake which struck at the wee hours of the morning, I honestly thought the Big One had finally arrived. So intense was this quake that I actually saw the building move to and fro in the bleak darkness of mid January.

Fast forward 20 years later when scientists have reminded us to prepare for a mega quake brought this truth to reality when Southern California trembled. Even more interesting were the eyewitness reports of people seeing blue flashes of light appearing just before this earthquake occurred.

Even more interesting, was a posted video to You Tube which shows what appears to be bison fleeing the Yellowstone area. It's certainly no mystery that animals possess a highly developed sense of intuition that can pick up danger and we all heard stories of people witnessing elephants fleeing the low lands of Thailand for the higher elevations just before the deadly Indonesian Earthquake and subsequent Tsunami which killed more than 230,000 people in 2004.

Adding to the drama, was the earthquake which struck Northern Chile on April 1st which measured 8.2 on the Richter Scale which incredibly and thankfully did not result in a much higher death toll.

What these events tell us, if anyone is perceptibly aware, is that Mother Nature is about to strike back. When? Who knows. Why? Well consider the relentless drilling for oil, the fracking of the planet and let's not forget the annihilation of the entire Pacific Ocean.

It's a sure bet that a major seismic event will occur at some point in the foreseeable future that will unquestionably devastate this country. Will it be due to a volcanic eruption at Yellowstone? Will it be due to the Madrid Fault located in the southern and midwestern section of this country? Will it be collaterally triggered due to the San Andreas Fault or other dormant faults geologists are now saying are 'awakening'?

Again, only those who are perceptibly aware will be able to interpret the writing on the proverbial wall and being prepared and having a plan will invariably prove to be expedient.

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