Friday, February 14, 2014

Featured Interview: Scott Stevens Discusses The Geoengineering of the Planet

Program Summary

Geoengineering Educator and Lecturer, Scott Stevens is my special guest as he discusses The Geoengineering of the Planet on Hour One.

Scott is an award-winning television weatherman who had his awakening moment when he began investigating claims that the weather in North America was being purposely engineered. This discovery led him down through a series of other rabbit holes that upon further scrutiny, led Scott to further question how we perceive the skies above us. 

Come listen to this fascinating interview as Scott covers an assortment of interesting topics.

Profile Summary

Since his early years as a television weatherman, Scott Stevens began to question and struggle with accurately predicting the weather. Influenced by the research from Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden, he began to explore avenues into free energy. This further enabled Scott to observe weather anomalies that he attributed to the geoengineering of the planet, which surprisingly according to Bearden, has been occuring since the mid 1970s.

His investigative pursuit through the use of time-lapsed photography led him to discover that the skies were being sprayed with chemtrails. Sorting out his priorities, caused Scott to publicly disclose his research and the manipulation of the weather.

Currently, Scott is a co-principal of a company called Blue Water Alchemy. When time permits, he can also be found on the lecture circuit helping to raise consciousness and has been profiled in numerous radio interviews.

For more information on Scott and his research, visit his web site at: WeatherWars.Info

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Featured Interview: Ken Gerhard Discusses Cryptids and Other Strange Creatures

Program Summary

Author, Cryptozoologist and Researcher, Ken Gerhard is my special guest as he discusses Cryptids and Other Strange Creatures.

In this broadcast, Ken shares his fascinating perspective on the subject of Cryptids. Having written three books (two of which he had co-authored), Ken vividly describes stories ranging from Bigfoot, to the Mothman as well as other bizarre creatures that have been either sighted by eyewitnesses or embedded in our folklore.

Come listen to this intriguing interview as Ken imparts a scholarly interpretation to his research. For more information on Ken, his work and his books, visit his Facebook page at: 

Profile Summary

Ken Gerhard is a well known American Cryptozoologist. He has also extensively traveled the world in investigating eyewitness reports of people seeing cryptids and other mysterious animals such as Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster, The Chupacabras, The Mothman as well as other enigmatic creatures that have captivated our fascination. In his diligent research, Ken helps peel away the cloud of mysticism surrounding these creatures by imparting a grounded interpretation to the work he's doing.

Ken is also an author and co-author of several books (Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles and Other Winged Beasts, Monsters of Texas and Big Bird! Modern Sightings of Flying Monsters), lectures and exhibits across the country and is a lead singer for several bands.

He is also a field researcher and consultant for various paranormal groups. Ken has also appeared on various media outlets such as The History Channel, A&E and National Geographic. He has also been featured on several news and radio broadcasts.